Lanclos Learning

by Patsy LanclosKnowledge Architect

Understanding Technology

Patsy Lanclos Consulting (AKA Lanclos Learning, Discovery Learning) is currently focused, not only on helping teachers and students become technologically literate, but also on Every Day Technology - that of helping all people know what they don't know regarding technology, especially those people over 50 years of age who are having difficulty living successfully in the digital age.

As a Knowledge Architect, Patsy creates structures and environments for teaching and learning with technology. Constructivist, student-centered, product-based experiences enable learners to make connections with prior experiences so that learning becomes personal, meaningful, and relevant.

To enable the learner to use their own digital devices including, but not limited to iPhones, iPads, computers, and other mobile devices, Patsy is available to come to your home, business, school, or district to provide professional development/coaching in the use of and integration of technology.

Technology for Seniors has become a very popular choice for those who are uncomfortable using the mobile phone, the apps, the terminology, the Internet, and who are unaware of strategies to cope with spam and scam.